Wednesday, July 16, 2008


My dear friend Katrina del Mar, NYC filmmaker and photographer extraordinaire unearthed a video we made many years ago and sent it to me recently. Katrina has a penchant for making queer girl exploitation films, depicting tough chicks brawling and balling, slapping and smooching. Her capacity as an artist to capture the most profound beauty in the most profane subject matter has always astonished and amazed me. Her work is infused with a frothy absurdity which provides prophylaxis against the agonizing pretense present in so much "Rock" photography.
SLAPFIGHT! Is part homage to the Betty Page era stag films which have enjoyed a rennaissance in recent years and part unbridled celebration of silliness that girls enjoy when they really, really, feel free. It stars Betsy Todd of NYC based band The Santa Marias and yours truly. For more from Katrina, visit her website at;

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